Enjoy some pure raw honey....
My honey is purely local, raw and unfiltered. It is cold extracted and directly strained using a stainless steel double sieve to remove foreign material down to 500 microns. Suspended micro-particles of pollen and nutrients are safely left intact.
The original hive nutrients are left intact in raw honey: the minerals, live enzymes, vitamins, and antioxidants are not destroyed by heating. Honey is not heated to a higher temperature than found naturally in the hive.
Hive with honey supers & pollen trap.
My bees forage in an abundance of diverse natural Kansas wildflowers on over 43+ open acres which includes a pond and stream running through; adjacent to our my backyard in the suburban environment of Overland Park. Scientists say bees can forage up to 4 miles in any direction for up to 80 square miles total!
I strive to keep naturally healthy bees. I hope to support greater numbers of healthier spring bees that supply a surplus harvest. My biggest honey producers are kept in three brood boxes.
Both mono-crop farming and newer pesticides found on countryside farms as well as taking honey and feeding back processed sugars are thought to be enemies of honeybees. Transporting honey bees for pollination stresses them and exposes them to unfamiliar diseases and unfamiliar diets. These factors can more readily weaken their natural immune systems allowing them to be overtaken by parasites and/or fungal and viral infections leading to Colony Collapse Disorder.
By allowing my colonies more honeycomb space, they store more honey for themselves. My colonies are not transported for pollination but always stay in their accustomed climate. I strive to use natural methods when they need help staving off hunger, disease and pests.
I've obtained all of my bees locally by professionally relocating honeybee swarms or hives from unwanted locations. See -> KCBeeremoval.com.
Section 1 of 4: Honey -> Allergies
Wildflower Honey is your best variety for allergies. It potentially has pollen stores from spring through fall. Honey does not correct issues with your immune system: it gets you feeling better. The active ingredient in honey is pollen. If you cannot tolerate the levels of fructose in honey, consider taking pollen for allergies.
Section 2 of 4: Diet -> Allergies
The most effective way to correct health problems like allergies begins with our immune system and is controlled by what we eat. I have followed what is known as macrobiotic principles for over twenty years. I rarely suffer from allergies.
The idea of macrobiotic diet is to utilize a balance between expansive and contractive food energies or acid/alkaline balance. The principles support nutrient rich blood with proper blood chemistry ph. Healthy blood is thought to be the key to a healthy vibrant body-- keeping our emotions in balance and our immune system strong. The principles help us overcome any underlying genetic predisposition toward a particular health condition or illness.
My own health consultant who helped my allergies go to almost zero has a book. He has been to Kansas City: https://www.stevenacuff.org/the-book. Order his other book here: http://www.summitlighthouse.org/stevenacuff.
Steven Acuff first was first trained at the Kushi Institute. View Kushi Institute videos here: https://www.youtube.com/user/kushiinstitute.
Allergies are also helped by rebuilding gut flora. I personally brewed a recommended yogurt with almond milk. I made the milk using Costco Almond flour as a vegan version. I consume this regularly. The Medical Doctor whose book I follow is a little more eccentric that me. But I've adopted his recipe and it has worked to correct my own gut flora issue.
Learn more here:
Testimonial to Macrobiotic Diet
Scientific Proof, Macrobiotics supports healing of type-2 diabetes!
Section 3 of 4: Fasting -> Allergies
I'm a firm believer in fasting. Dr. McDougall and Dr. Goldhammer are two experts on the subject. If you are miserable, you will want to watch these video presentations. Fasting has been known to work miracles. Here's a study published at the National Institutes of Heath that spells it out in writing: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4684131/
Evidence of Tainted Honey
Food Safety News published a report showing over 70% of honey purchased at most stores in 2011 is ultra-filtered to possibly make it untraceable as illegally imported from restricted countries like China. Ultra-filtered honey contains no nutrient value and in some cases, either is adulterated with honey substitutes or pesticide residues. The EU banned ultra-filtered imports after evidence of tainted honey and price dumping. More -> information.
University of Illinois food scientists discovered that honey packs the same antioxidant punch as spinach and strawberries. Studies reveal that eating 2-4 Tbs. of honey daily can raise antioxidant levels in your bloodstream by 10%. The antioxidants stop cholesterol from sticking to blood vessel walls and help prevent a buildup of plaque in arteries. Honey can stimulate B-lymphocytes and T-lymphocytes to multiply, thus boosting the immune system.
The University of Lund in Sweden found raw honey contains bifidobacteria and Lactobacilli, which help prevent stomach upsets. Including treating and preventing gastric ulcers by fighting Helicobacter Pylori bacteria that trigger ulcers.
Honey is more effective than antibiotic ointments on a cut or burn. It reduces infection, speeds healing and reduces scarring. In one study 87% of patients with honey-coated burns healed completely within 2 weeks, compared to just 10% of those treated with standard Rx, silver sulfadiazine. Also, the honey destroyed 100% of the bacteria that cause infection.
Raw honey contains an enzyme glucose oxidase that when comes into contact with moisture, releases low levels of hydrogen peroxide, which can kill bacteria without damaging skin tissue. In fact, the University of Waikato in New Zealand found when applying honey to MRSA infected antibiotic-resistant wounds, they became sterile and healed with scarring minimized. Peeling back a dressing -- as opposed to a dry bandage -- did not disturb the new tissue underneath. More -> information.
Bee Pollen is the source of nutrition and protein for the bees. Health professionals like William Peterson, M.D. recommend consuming it for boosting immunity to environmental pollution and to help the body handle allergens without miserable allergic reactions. Dr. Nicolai Tsitsin, a Russian Botanist, studied a small village in Soviet Georgia in which 200 inhabitants were more than 100 years old. Mysteriously, many centenarians were beekeepers. Research correlations pointed to their intake of raw honey containing large amounts of pollen. The USDA's research suggests pollen has anti-cancer properties that "delayed the onset of mammary tumors." William Robinson who headed the study found cancer cellular growth rate slowed to about 1/2 original rate in rats. An Austrian report has pointed to reducing symptoms of radiation sickness in patients treated for cervical cancer.
Propolis, also known as "bee glue," is used as a disinfectant on the walls of their hive, to plug gaps, and to protect against infection by encapsulating foreign objects like a dead mouse that has strayed into the hive. Propolis is made from beeswax and other secretions mixed with resins from buds of conifer and poplar trees. It is used in the manufacture of toothpaste, chewing gum, cosmetics, creams, lozenges, and ointments. According to Andrew Weil, M.D., it is being investigated as a dental sealant and tooth enamel hardener. Dr. Weil states that a number of studies have tested its effectiveness in humans as a treatment for burns, minor wounds, infections, inflammatory diseases, dental pain, and genital herpes. We don't currently harvest our bees' propolis.
For supporting optimum health, honey is best consumed in moderation.
Heart disease research includes science showing sugar and arterial inflammation is the main cause of plaque buildup, not cholesterol. More -> information.
Fortunately, there is contrasting research outlined in the movie Forks Over Knives, showing excessive oil and animal protein are the main cause of heart disease. Professor Mary Enig stirred up quite a bit of controversy with her research pointing to saturated fat and oil being good for us. She wrote a book "Know Your Fats" that has been both accepted and fought back against. But I do think there is wisdom in lightening excessive oil intake.
Of course, honey is the obvious choice over nutrient devoid white sugar or high fructose corn syrup. But Keep in mind Robert H. Lustig, a pediatric endocrinologist and Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Endocrinology at the University of California, San Francisco, specializing in neuroendocrinology and childhood obesity says both white sugar and honey could be classified as toxin when consumed in what might be considered moderate quantities.
See "Sugar -- the elephant in the kitchen: Robert Lustig at TEDxBermuda.
Dr. Peter Attia, MD Readdresses Dietary Guidelines
Dr. Peter Attia, on diabetes and insulin resistance
Section 4 of 3: Liver & Gallbladder Flush-> Allergies
I've personally done this flush every few years. Days 1-3: For the first three days eat light foods and drink at least 32 oz of room temperature organic apple juice daily. The malic acid in the apple juice helps to soften and prepare the stones from the gallbladder and liver for removal. Buy the highest quality apple juice possible. Do not use the apple juice from concentrate!
Make sure to avoid the following types of foods during your cleanse: protein-rich foods (peanut butter & heavy meats), sugars, excessive bread, and alcohol.
Twice a day, add 45 drops (90 drops total) of Phosfood from Standard Process to the apple juice. The phosphoric acid also helps soften the stones and prepare for their exodus. Follow this routine for three days. It is quite easy to divide the quart (320z bottle) into two pints, using 45 drops per pint.
If you cannot handle that much sugar from the apple juice, are diabetic or have had yeast problems use room temperature distilled water instead of apple juice. If you use distilled water, and you must be sure to increase the amount of Phosfood Liquid. Take 45 drops, 3 times a day with the wafer or 135 drops a day.
WARNING: You must follow this step. If you do not use the Phosfood your stones may remain hard and sharp and this could cause tearing or damage as you try to pass the sharp, jagged stones. Please, for your own safety, do not omit this step!
Day 4: On the 4th day eat a light vegan breakfast and a light vegan lunch. It is best that you finish your lunch by 1pm and also finish your apple juice and Phosfood or distilled water and Phosfood by 1pm.
At about 5:30pm, eat a light dinner on this day 4.
At about 10pm, mix 1 cup virgin organic olive oil with one fresh squeezed organic lemon and shake it vigorously together. Drink the mixture.
It is very important that you lie down immediately on your right side with your knees pulled up near your chest for at least 30 minutes in order to allow your liver and gallbladder to begin loosening the stones. You may feel odd or ill at this point as your body begins the detox process. The liver and gallbladder are sent into an alarm state with all the fat from the oil so they spasm and release stones as they try to produce and excrete bile at a rapid rate. Try to fall asleep on your right side. If you must use the toilet do so. Many with challenged digestive systems will need to. Don’t worry you will not disrupt the eminent detoxing!
Day 5: Harvest Day: Get up at about 6am on the 5th day. It should have been 8 hours since you drank the juice and olive oil mixture. Be prepared to spend a fair amount of time on the toilet this day. It is a good idea to plan this for a weekend day or a day you have a clear morning and mid-day. You will most likely be releasing many green colored stones from the liver and gallbladder. Don’t be surprised if the stones float. It is common that you will make repeated trips to the toilet so do not be surprised. You may also want to perform a water enema to make sure that your colon is stone free.
It is common for people with cancer, liver congestion, weight issues or who are desperately trying to reverse illness to use this cleanse monthly or at least every 3 months. Over time, you will see that the stones become fewer and fewer until your gallbladder and liver are completely stone free.